on my wallet i tried sweep_dust and transfer 100xmr all failed.
There is a known issue with sweep_dust sometimes not working. That is being addressed in a future update.
As far as the other, we're taking a look at your log file, but GingerAle's suggestion about going on IRC is a good one. Sometimes it is best to be able to ask questions and try things in real time.
I have a wallet that has been around for a long time and have synced every once in a while. I received an error when I first ran the bc_height command, but the second time I tried it, it ran and went through all the blocks and that was good to see. But now I have the dust fee problem.
I tried to sweep a small bit of dust from my wallet, it seems that it did not go through, so now there is a 0.02 fee that is stuck in outgoing. Is there a way to remove it or will it go away? I also tried to sweep it again because it showed dust still there, but it errored. Does it even matter? It's just there in outgoing now for hours.
Also the 0.9.3 doesn't refresh automatically or in the background that I could see, but typing refresh does it. Can it auto refresh? kind of a good thing, like it did before with previous versions it is good to see it sync and then check your balance.
As far as I know 0.9.3 should auto refresh. As far as asking a bunch of specific questions about your wallet the best bet is to jump onto freenode IRC #monero and ask on there.
There are definitely some known issues with sweep dust. In most cases, I would suggest waiting for an update.
This board is available to search and documents the answers, so why ask to go to #monero?
0.9.3 doesn't refresh, so why is that? This could be a problem where your coins are stolen and since it doesn't refresh, you may think they are still there, right? Is there a bug or is there a problem with my wallet?
I can live with the dust problem. Can someone answer my question about the stuck fee for dust?
Will this fix it?
Sometimes, your funds will become stuck - you will have some locked funds that never become unlocked. This is how you fix it.
Load your wallet in simplewallet.
into the command prompt. Write down your 25 word seed, if you haven't already. This is the best way to make sure you don't loose access to your funds.
Close simplewallet by typing
Backup all of your wallet related files. These include:
This can be done by copying the files to a new folder.
Sometimes, when creating your wallet, you might have named it something without the .bin part. In that case, the wallet file will be called yourwalletname without the .bin at the end.
Delete yourwallet.bin
Load simplewallet, type in the name of the wallet you just deleted
Enter password. The wallet will now refresh and hopefully your locked funds will now become unlocked.
Like I said, the bug was introduced in 9.1 and subsequently patched in 9.3. However, if you incurred the bug in 9.1 it will still be present in 9.3, because the daemon will still think some of the key images are already spent and therefore you cannot spend the funds. This requires a rescan to fix. I am not sure why we need documentary for this. Bear in mind that most of the people working on Monero are volunteers and in my personal opinion the time that would be needed for this could be spend better.
Regarding refresh, autorefresh
should work in 9.3. However, in case it doesn't work what is wrong with just typing refresh?