Guys be sure you will be ready for 30 Nov Important not new coin will be created, is a fork but not a split fork as bch did
General information about the scheduled network upgrade
October 24 - Code freeze
October 31 - Targeted v0.15 release date
November 30 - Network upgrade
Approximately the 30th of November there will be a scheduled network upgrade on the Monero network. To be sufficiently prepared, a user, service, merchant, pool operator, or exchange should run CLI v0.15 or GUI v0.15. The scheduled network upgrade introduces a few major changes. First and foremost, a new long-term Proof-of-Work algorithm, namely RandomX, will be introduced. Miners therefore ought to upgrade their mining software as well. Second, long payment IDs will be phased out in order to improve privacy and user experience as well as reduce support work for services and exchanges. Third, transactions will now require at least two outputs. Fourth, the ten block (approximately twenty minutes) lock time for incoming transactions will be enforced on the protocol level. Both these changes will improve privacy for the user as well as for the whole network.
A few notes:
RandomX was successfully audited by four independent audit teams.
The Monero Outreach team wrote an informative article about RandomX.
A tentative fork height was set, namely block 1978433 (~17:00 UTC on 30th November).
Due to variance the scheduled network upgrade will take place on or around the 30th of November. There is, however, no specific date as the hard fork will be triggered by a specific blockheight.
How do I upgrade and ensure I am sufficiently prepared?There will be more elaborate instructions once the v0.15 release binaries are published. However, it essentially boils down to upgrading your software (either the CLI or the GUI) to v0.15. This will ensure you are sufficiently prepared for the scheduled protocol upgrade.
In case you are using a third party wallet, please see below.
Paper wallet:You don't have to do anything. However, if you want to restore a wallet after the scheduled network upgrade, you need to use the new v0.15 software.
MyMonero (web):You don't have to do anything, as MyMonero will be properly upgraded in advance of the scheduled network upgrade.
Third-party desktop wallets (e.g. MyMonero):There will be no changes to the transaction format. As such, third-party desktop wallets merely have to upgrade their back-end software. That being said, they may also release a new version.
Mobile wallets: Mobile wallets utilizing a remote node (e.g. Cake Wallet, Monerujo, X Wallet, and Wookey) will have to release a new version in order to remain compatible. Users ought to upgrade to this new version.
Mobile wallets utilizing a light server (e.g. MyMonero, Edge Wallet, ZelCore, Coinomi, Guarda Wallet, and Exa Wallet) merely have to upgrade their back-end software (given that there are no changes to the transaction format). That being said, they may also release a new version.
Solo mining:This process is similar to the upgrade process for the CLI or the GUI.
Pool mining:Your pool operator should upgrade to the new version. In addition, you should update your mining software to the latest version (the one that includes code to accommodate RandomX).
Info taken from