"Couldn't open wallet: Wrong Device Status : SW=6930 (EXPECT=9000, MASK=ffff)"
Why is that?
All works fine with the old device.
What version of the Ledger Monero app is running on the new device?
v1.3.1 on the new device (with the error message)
What is the version of the Monero GUI software?
I have tried to restaure another old Ledger Nano S on the new Nano S and I have the same error message.
Basically the GUI works fine with my two old Ledger but I cannot use the GUI after restauring any of them on my new Ledger.
The Monero app version of both old Ledger is 1.2.2 and the version on the new is 1.3.1 (I cannot use the 1.2.2 on the new, because once I restaure the seed I have to install the Monero app through Ledger Manager, and only the last version is available).
The Ledger Monero app is currently version sensitive, i.e., you can only run GUI v0.14.0.0 in conjunction with Ledger Monero app v1.2.2. Similarly, you can only run GUI v0.14.1.0 in conjunction with Ledger Monero app v1.3.1. Hopefully this helps.