I am running my own monero node on a single board computer (cubietruck+ 120 gb ssd) now for some time. But syncing through TOR and behind openvpn seemed to slow for full sync. I only reach 98-99,7% and still 8000 blocks missing after more then ten days.
Now after some days, changing to normal internet connection, and changing swappines of swap, i reach 99,7% sync. Thats a problem i cant solve because there is no error or similar, so no point to start changing something.
is there something else that can cause that problem?
and my secound question:
Are there any benifits from running my own local node behind a vpn or tor connection? Or does running over normal internet and only „within lan“ use protect enough and there is no ip faking nessesary?
This applies to your case too:
Additionally, could you perhaps type status into monerod and post the output here?
Seems not to be needet any more. I checked the monerod status yesterday and with normal internet connection i reached 100% sync now.
In case that my home IP address does not get connected to my transactions in the blockchain, when i use the node with normal internet, its not a problem for me to run the node this way.
The wallet and GUI would be behind TOR or Openvpn of corse.