don't feed trolls. Just put them on ignore list
They get more and more aggressive cause they lost money with every % of falling prices seeing their money fade away. Meanwhile you can buy more and more cause you sell and rebuy low. As more they hate you as more you do well, never forget this
its a sign of success and doesnt differ from reality. Not everybody can win in trading. Few become rich some become/stay poor.
Of course i do mistakes but at least i am in the greenzone now unlike most people that invested in xmr after the initial increase. I still act irrational, when the price was 0.0126 i should have realized that it would crash down(luckily i waited with buying). I am more of a fundamental investor, i don't like to sell low even if the price is likely to fall. Actually it's pretty amazing that i can sell now and get more money back than i had before since i started buying below 0.015, a guy on poloniex admitting selling at 0.003 and rebuying at 0.02
But now it's pretty much too late to sell and rebuy lower, that ship has sailed, a lot of people are scared and not willing to pay much above 0.011, it will probably take a lot of time for xmr to recover now. Everytime the price increases just a bit a lot of people dump and the price goes down again, the price will remain pressured down for a while due to holders getting nervous, a lot of bagholders above 0.02 is likely to sell during this phase, i guess i have to wait to next month for 0.013