ach, da ist sie wieder die unfreundlichkeit in den monero topics. thats why is just dont use this coin.... monero community is really rude.
Er scheint viel Geld verloren zu haben, ich nehm ihm den Frust nicht übel, auch wenn's nicht sein muss.
The market changes and so my oppinion. The loss of one market is 1 of 2. Than a new market appears which is -again in my oppinion a scam - which will also not help the coin.
And my main concern is that AB is going to close. And since every market left the show somewhen its something everyone should consider. It would be negligent to conceal such a fact. But ofc, keep on going on a hype. I have no problem to say, when i change my oppinion about something.
So I have lost money because I am tired of lazy one liner trolls which no base in logic or reality? Another example of impeccable deduction skills. For your info I'm so far up it's not even funny.
There is no discussing that the price is down, it's a fact. The usual reason for price movements in crypto are whales deciding which way it's gotta go. This is speculation on my part, obviously.
The announcement back in August was just the event that released the pent up pressure. I don't think anyone can say with a straight face that XMR was not undervalued at this point, whether you have a soft spot for the project or not.
What is not a fact until proof to the contrary is a) that Oasis pulled an exit scam (which is possible, probable even but not a fact) and b) even less that their hodlings / alleged dumpings at this point have any influence on the 10 k BTC plus daily volume!
It might be another one of those news that was taken advantage of to push and pull the price where it's wanted.
And as for the unfriendliness...yeah I become unfriendly when trolls put in no effort whatsoever, adding absolutely nothing of value, not even a creative, entertaining insult. A signature account just makes it worse. This forum would be so much better without paid signatures but ok, that's how they chose to roll and is also offtopic.
Another logicfail to attribute that to the whole community which, aside from a few rotten individuals like me, is exceptionally friendly and helpful.
Schönen Abend noch