Can we start a fund to raise capital for a full time developer or two perhaps?
I think that's a good idea but it's one that would probably be better voiced within the reddit subreddit.
The forum on has a fantastic funding system. Several developers has been paid through this. So far notably moneromoo and also the GUI development etc.
First of all, the funds from the forum system is only released after work well done. Secondly when "smart-mining" arrives it is supposed to incorporate an easy setting to choose if you want to mine to the dev address or your own. Thirdly, the transaction-fee needs to adjust in accordance to XMR buying power, and needs to do so automatically - no arbitrary changes as it is now, but I don't think anyone has any concrete ideas as of now., good to know , but I still know that I will gladly pay a small per-transaction fee to the dev team of any one that finally gets that gui to be a reality, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Releasing funds based on goals achieved is ok, I guess, but in my experience software is a living thing and requires on-going maintenance. As someone who sells and supports software, i much prefer the periodic licensing model, and I personally think it promotes the proper incentives to attract and
retain talented people.
*I didn't mean to make that all about the gui. I feel the same way about ensuring that there is a sustainable funding model for everyone involved in this project. Altruism is great, but by properly incentivizing contributors at all levels, miners, developers, and yes,, even fluffy ponies, we have a chance to build something that can be sustainable and stand the test of time.