Total XMR volume: 128.6m XMR
Last 3 weeks XMR volume: 48m XMR
In last 3 weeks was 1/3 of all XMR volume. And since price is way higher now, that way lot more BTC volume. This shows us how different trading of Monero is now as it was in last 2 years. We simply can't learn from past anymore since is totally new money and new people in XMR right now.
But it's still relatively low volume, so we need more traders. Please consider checking it out. Come to #bitsquare on IRC if you have questions.
Everyone should use it more. I know changes are not what most people like and Poloniex is just cool but trading on more exchanges just help the coin. If not enough volume people will not bother trading there. Also Polo withdrawal limits. Trading here gives you none.
(bolded) But Monero usually does this at this time of year
I checked bitsquare last week and being the idiot I am I couldn't figure out how to buy. I will definitely avail myself of TheKoziTwo's help and buy some. Oh good, another excuse to buy at a ludicrous price. Last ludicrous price was 0.0143 and I blamed my gf. Even though I gave her 2 chances to question what's going on she still hasn't. So cute. Those are still her coins.