Yep someone has borrowed several thousand monero of mine at 0.67% daily interest. There is definitely interest in shorting.
More power to them. When a market is spiky, they help smooth it out. But I can't imagine the reasoning that supports it. There is probably 5% downside risk here, but essentially unlimited upside risk: The mcap rise draws attention. That means new eyes on this thing. Most of them just won't get it - I guess those are the ones who are most likely to short. But it doesn't take but one or two with deep pockets who get it, and off we go again. Moreover, I don't think our new whale friend is finished. Also, we have active unlevered market makers. At this point they are all overweight BTC, and seeking to rebalance. They will be dip buyers.
Unrelated: I did a little DNM survey. It seems multisig is not much used. More a nice-to-have than a sine-qua-non. The norm is that the market acts as a bank and escrow agent. Terrible idea, of course, but much easier for the end-users, if they tolerate the risk of exit-scam, and it seems they do, despite repeated burns.