I don't see what's so controversial about it.
DASH is an uncredible and consequently unstable entity and is neither respected by developers nor by investors. Exchanges are dropping it, Bitcoinwisdom no longer bothers to even maintain it, and Reddit subscriber stats are going backwards.
A lot of Darkcoin holders jumped into XMR following the apocalyptic rebrand to DASH, and much of their previous community has effectively been absorbed into the Monero community. A good thing too.
If the rumours are true, the remainder of DASH is now piling into AEON.
By the way, it's not a shameful thing to point out a coins deficits. Much of the previous Darkcoin community knew full well the flaws that revolved around their coin but didn't speak out about it. That was the source of any perceived 'conflict'.
Anyway, I speculate that the real winners are the end users.
Rant over.