I'm here because I am in need a means of sending value over long distances quickly, cheaply, and privately as well as a means of storing value privately. Maybe i will leave monero when some better alternative exists for accomplishing these same ends but until such an alternative exists i will continue to need monero. Just as a person who has nails sticking up needs a hammer.
I asumme you belong to a group of probably less than 200 person on this planet who really see the use case and (private store of value) the potential of monero - aminorex assumed it could be a group of 1000 people - I guess it is much smaller.
the rest is pump and dump daytraders etc. pp.
we will see if the group can grow over the next months and years. the intrinsic value of xmr is out of question.
Still, for anything to be a store of value, price needs to stabilize and XMR, along with all crypto, has yet to really show stability in terms of volatility. Now, you could say PMs are still pretty volatile and yes, they are, but not to the degree of crypto.
that is why I called it potential - the argument that something needs to show stability is somewhat weird - if the fundamentals are given it will show stability in the future.
if you like, like most here, explanations of free market behaviour, crypto does not show stability in terms of prices due to incomplete information.