Think about .004 XMR with 16000 coins mined per day.
0.004 * 16000 = 64 BTC per day. 23360 BTC per year. It's not all sold, but it's a lot of value created quickly.
There can and will be spikes to .01 and higher but it can't maintain those highs. Even with interest from bitcoin whales with 10,000+ liquid bitcoin. Do you think those bitcoin whales are going to spend all their bitcoin on buying XMR every day so that XMR never ever goes down?
Monero's daily emission is currently well less than 16 000, it is something like 15600 and declining fast.
After 1 year it is signigiciantly lower.
Therefore I think it is possible to keep up the price.
Keep in mind, not only btc whales buy into XMR but people who have fiat... They get Moneros now very affordably (like bitcoin in 2011, only 1 usd per coin).
While some might sell Moneros if btc rallies, I don't think it will be something that lasts for long time.
Usually altcoins (for some strange reason) tent to rally against btc when btc rises agains fiat and vice versa. I don't quite understand why it is like this but the history shows this type of behaviour in altcoins.
Miners, especially those whose mining costs are low, are probably cashing out coins on regular basis no matter what the price is. After all, they are in business and not speculators.
I have fiat and I am buying btc in order to buy xmr every now and then, just to support the price.
Please, Your not doing anything to support the price your doing your best to buy low sell high and trying to manipulate people to support your actions. I took you off ignore but your thinly veiled self serving posts wrapped in bullshit forecasts are getting on my nerves so back to ignore for you.
Anyone listening to this guys advice is shooting themselves in the foot.
A step back a few weeks.:
Guess I'll just have to wait for the next whale dump to get back in.
Whales are accumulating. The miners dump. I don't rule out a miner dump but in this environment with brisk demand that is pretty needless.
If I needed to sell 50k, it would not be hard to do. And if I needed to sell my produce, there would be no need to accumulate 50k before selling.
These are clearly evident in the recent days when lows have been rising quicker than the highs.
There will always be a whale dump to accumulate lower. You know this. Sometimes it will even cause panic selling. Wait didn't we just go through one of those?
The slope of the retracements is getting more and more gentle with every rise though.
Very True. Chances are getting more and more scarce. What do you think they will try next? The BCX Fud Campaign was a nice first salvo last time to make before the move.
Nice shot across the Bow Primer but no-one is falling for your bullshit.
So when is this "Chinese Botnet" going to dump? Almost time to buy again.