At this point I think we've reached a situation where the current daily buyers are almost entirely people who are already significantly into monero.
It looks like the community is working in a closed circle.
(note that the X axis is not "0" but "-2"!)
We have the
exact same number of people on the subreddit as 2 weeks ago. Of course it's only reddit, but let's be honest, other channels are not contradicting the numbers shown here.
We need something tangible. Something visible. Something to attract people outside the community.
It doesn't mean to work harder of faster, it only means
when to release stuff half-publicly: for instance it doesn't mean a fully polished GUI, but just a beta-version that can send and receive. If the english or the translation is crap, or some features are not fully working, who cares as long as they are not critical in any way and the software is clearly advertised as beta? (or even alpha).
I'm sure many outcomes of the core team are at this possible "not-perfect-but-lets-release-as-beta" stage already, postponing their visibility to the larger public is, at this point, directly impacting our momentum.
We've shift from positive momentum to neutral or even slithgly negative one. I'm not talking about price here, this should be visible on many indicators I don't have access to (download of the wallet, view on the website, ...). Positive momentum is the hardest thing to get back once you lose it.
I urge the core team to release something visible to the average Joe, because at this point the only (virtual) sight of advancement are the missives, and their impact must be by now pretty much limited to the existing community.
People need something to chew on.
Contrary to June, at this point, releasing a GUI with a blockchain that takes 3GB in RAM is better than not releasing anything. In my opinion the technicities/limitabilities are not a reason to retain any of the software achievements. (
now, again my opinion was different in June when the community growth was not negative).