What happens when you have done this 7 times, master?
One experiences the supreme satori of Brother Satoshi and sits at his side in the Council Of Light.
All illusory notions of separateness, being mere cognitive artifacts, dissipate and the process of Universe, which has no beginning and thus no ending, unfolds in its manifold splendor and recedes at the speed of entanglement as awareness expands to fill the infinite Void beyond Creation.
The screaming of the One Holy Electron is resolved into heavenly music which forms dazzling standing waves as it orbits the primordial Instantaton in all places and at all times.
Then one gets hungry and goes to the kitchen, seeking sustenance of a tasty nature as well as beverages of a frosty, refreshing, and/or adult nature, and remembers to check Coinmarketcap for the latest XMR Moons and Dumps, perhaps pausing to find amusement in the eternal drama of Bitcointalk and the self-righteous wailing of the Bcash subreddit.
At least that is how it works for me. YMMV.