The thing that astonishes me is that they have left the door of speculation that this is NOT the case WIDE OPEN.
Even if not freely exchangeable without hurdles and restrictions, it would help if they just did a damn audit to prove that the USD exists.
Unwillingness to show a public audit screams scam (of some type). Period. There is no other explanation.
My take on this is that Tether probably didn't start out intending to be a scam: if it WAS larceny from the start then why in God's name did they set it up with a visible, open, transparent "looks like a real blockchain" that they publicly issue the fake backed-by-nothing tokens on? That'd be the most supremely stupid thing they could have done! If it was a scam from the start they'd have set up something to "issue the tokens" privately or "encrypted for your protection" kind of thing.
No, lately I think it started out okay and might even have actually BEEN $1 for 1 backed at the start. But then "shit happened" and it all got away from them, they started running the printing press to try and reign it back in, bitcoin went naturally parabolic (or they caused it to go parabolic, chicken/egg here) and it got even FURTHER away from them, they're trying to reign it back in *more* by stupidly doing more of the same... and down the black hole spiral we go.
The only big remaining (literal) $64,000 question is: HOW is this possible implosion going to affect all OTHER crypto?
[TinFoilHat ON]
Also IF the alleged "Operation DragonSlayer" is something real, seems to me they're now waiting for a more opportune moment to try again (the weekend "pump & dump" a couple weeks ago was, IMHO, a first attempt that *almost* succeeded... stopped only by a last-minute "unplugging" of the entire Korean exchange)
Their second-attempt will need to be across more than one single exchange and due to the new DAA will have to be fueled by a bit more 'organic' price action too... a Tether Triggered Crash in BTC and/or some kind of CME option for shorting BTC might do the trick... or not... if it's really even possible at all (?)
[TinFoilHat OFF]
Anyway, sorry for a bit off-topic: this is Monero Spec after all.
One way or another I know IF all the shit going down in BTC world eventually means "bitcoin" consumes itself in a giant self-immolation ball of flame, that my little XMR stash will save the day
(Oh, heh, that is... the small amount I have left that didn't blow overboard off the sailboat last summer, still really bummed out about that, dontcha know