Monero is so cool. But many people think that it's used for illegal transactions, they are all focused on just the negative things and not all the good things that can be achieved by using Monero. It might be used on the dark market for example, since it is private and people can't really see were the money came from or where it is going, but there are so many other markets that can be served exept the dark market. Illicit activities in currently the main market of Monero, and it's what it is holding back from more adoption. BTC is kinda private too but at least there is some sort of transparency that everyone likes to see.. for example were the coin is going where it came form etc. Monero doesn't offer that and that's the reason it attracts the "bad guys".
Firstly, dark net markets include all manner of free market activities. DNM does not imply illegal or unethical.
Secondly, BTC had vanishingly small value until it was adopted on DNMs. It required a "killer app" to give the platform enough utility to overcome the anti-monetary volatility which comes from microcap status.
I challenge you to name one "bad guy" using Monero. John McAfee and Fluffypony don't count.
DNMs are adopting Monero in a monotonically increasing manner. DNMs are a growing economy, and the global black market is now in excess of 20 trillion USD p.a.. If just 1% of that market is denominated in XMR at a money velocity of 10 (almost insanely pessimistic round numbers) and assuming NO reserve demand, the XMR market cap will inevitably rise to 20 billion USD, and 1 XMR will clear for 1 ounce of gold. In reality I expect it to surpass the value of Bitcoin, somewhere around 10 to 20 thousand dollars.
Anyone who doesn't hold XMR because it is sometimes associated with dark markets is an cutting off their nose to spite their face, and their non-participation will have exactly no impact on the inevitable rise of XMR, which has nothing to do with public opinion, and everything to do with inexorable, overwhelming economic forces.
But hey, if your conscience tells you not to hold Monero, I hope you follow it.