LMAO. So much for Tezos' superior organizational structure They sure showed silly old Core how to run a project. Wow such meta-governance!
This fiasco provides an example of a governance model in a failure mode despite (or perhaps due to) being massively funded and then enjoying an BTC moon windfall on top of that.
L'affaire Tezos illustrates the crucial point that no amount of money makes up for talented, motivated, creative developers and a critical mass of community coming together in a viable ecosystem.
Like Tezos, Dash is falling badly behind in self-imposed development schedules despite having and endless supply of money to throw around.
The best devs are not for sale. They work on whatever they want. Nobody can buy them with ICO or Instamine shittokens.
The best devs tell people what they are going to do why they should be paid to do it.
Speaking of that, let's pat ourselves on the back for the Monero's FFS working out so well.
If you were excited and then disappointed about Tezos, check out Cardano. If their Ouroboros staking schema works as intended, PoW may be obsolete. This convinced me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwxVySVF-U4
I tried to watch that but his accent was so bad I had to keep backing up and it just got too tedious. Do you have a link to the whitepaper?
All those poor fools out there on the street who still believe their "dollars" will have any use or value in the future... SMH
I do agree with the majority of your post but I have to address this one point.
Lets not delude ourselfs here, it is easy to drink the koolaid and fall into a circle jerk the size of the entire CC sphere.
Let me make this abundantly clear, NEVER will CC replace FIAT until and when The Powers that be wish it to!!! This is a fact, TPTB control the bankers and the bankers support the people who are the current PTB, it is a symbiotic relationship that is backed by every authoritarian force on this planet!!! This is no small thing that can be overcome, we can only somewhat mitigate it by making our own economical model, but that model will NEVER replace the one the Governments support until and when they decide to adopt it and then they will control the model of their choosing and that will not be the model the masses are using, They will retain control for the foreseeable future and the best we can hope for is parity between the 2 at some point which is a very long way away and it is not in our lifetime.
I wish this was not true but it is a fact. He who carries the biggest stick makes the rules we may never evolve past that, and the reason for that is anyone and or group that tries to supplant that ideology is beaten down with that stick (which is in the form of "the authorities") under many different guises and concealed by a myriad of factors.