To that point...
In some ways Monero is no different than physical cash. You deposit it at the bank, they have a record. You withdraw it... they have a record. In the same way you buy Monero at Coinbase. they have a record. You sell it, they have a record. Deposit it... they have a record, withdraw it... they have a record. They follow their AML/KYC stuff and they know what they need to know about their customer.
The differences are this. Did your Monero come from a Poker site? No one knows. Coinbase doesn't know. So there is no need to blacklist it. I don't think Coinbase really wants to have to be the police. They want to be an on/offramp for crypto.
Coinbase would be crazy not to want to support fungible crypto. It would make their lives lots easier.
And it leaves the police work to the police.
Okay, I see where it would be useful to have on coinbase. I was thinking of it from more of a wallet standpoint, not a place to buy and then send elsewhere, I was wrong.
Still though, the anonymity of Monero is it’s biggest selling point and the
only reason it’s more fungible than Bitcoin. If it weren't for anonymity then Monero would just be another useless altcoin. The big focus IS on anonymity -- some people use that anonymity for fungiblility (like me), others for committing crime. What you choose to use the anonymity for is up to you, but regardless of why you use it the main point is to have an untraceable currency.
I think around these parts you will not see Coinbase described as a wallet. At least not in the sense that users of Monero would use the word Wallet.
A wallet where you do not control the private key is a loan.
A wallet where you do not control the private key is a counter party risk.
Now, Coinbase is about as reputable an exchange as you will be able to find. And in my opinion they would be the last to exit scam (so many dark markets), become an illiquid fractional reserve (Gox, Cryptsy, etc), or get busted by law enforcement (BTC-e). So your money as about as safe there as it can possibly be considering it is ENTIRELY under someone else's control.
Which frankly is not safe enough for me.
So for me... if Coinbase ever becomes a Monero exchange, I will likely use them some. But I will never hold my crypto there.