You know, I can't ever recall Smooth giving an out-and-out speculative opinion on Monero in this thread. I would be very interested in what he had to say.
I think smooth just gave a hint of his real background last page, also I do remember one time, he sold when Monero hit 0.01 first way back in mintpal and said so many times when bulls were dying of hunger in the winter of '15, I doubt he bought until it was low enough while he helped improve Monero.
I bought back during the BCX scare (and have said so here) later in 2014, which I correctly called as being a bunch of pure BS (though the price continued to decline even once it was apparent to all there was no exploit, in hindsight the result more of a brutal, and long, crypto bear market than anything specific to Monero). My reentry was well below 0.01 but also well above the subsequent lows.
rangedriver is right, if fluffypony can say not buy monero others are free to say otherwise.
Agree on that.
Any opinion on where we're headed over the next few months?
Well, in the absence of any response from Smooth, I'll take a shot.
On the plus side. Once the Bitcoin shitshow has concluded, I suspect we'll quickly see new highs for BTC. If Monero can maintain its price relative to BTC, we should see a nice rise for XMR.
Moreover, the coming HF, Multisig, Wallets, and slow tightening of emission,
should all result in a good deal of sweetness and light for Monero. The major criticisms of Monero will have been nullified and further adoption looks likely.
On the minus side, the crypto market is clearly irrational. Indeed, it's better described as
anti-rational. So the market is just as likely to shrug its collective shoulders, give Monero a pass, and move on to the next token.
Lastly, Monero has rarely failed to disappoint me when I least expected it, and surprised me at other times. The next few months will likely be no different.
In summary, it's a crap shoot.