The recent price surge looks more like market manipulation to me rather than it being due to recent news about the IRS and BitMEX. There is very little trading volume on the big exchanges so it is much easier to pump the price on a dodgy exchange like CITEX, which is where most of the volume is coming from.
Monero tradings was always low compared to other coins. Reason is that Monero is listed on less exchanges and on less exchanges with fake volume. CITEX? really. You can cut out volume there totally. Every single day.
What is happening to Monero have nothing to do with BitMex. BitMex of course could shocks whole crypto and with that also Monero. I dont monitor it that closely, so I dont really know how much more chances for shock there are now.
For the IRS free advertisement. Such events raise interest about Monero to people that never heard about it before. And is not just that. There was many more news. Like 40 companies enrolled on that IRS call. They choose only two. One of those 40 companies was also CypherTrace that made additional advertisement of Monero only few weeks before. Then there was also Perkinscoie legal opinion of how Monero transactions are totally compatible with KYC rules in USA and wider, that did not got that much recognition in media as it should. Combining all this with growth of transactions. Most if not all of this are totally free advertisement of Monero. Other coins are paying huge amounts of money for such advertisements.
Advertisement never instantly reflects on price. It reflects after some time. Here is me talking about it two weeks ago:
Also, right now there is so much news of Monero in media, so I am surprised there was no price action because of that. At least some failed pump as it happened on 21th August.
Another thing I noticed lately is how more accurate are articles in cointelegraph and in other news, as they were in last 6 years. If there were any articles at all. There are different writers or they started looking much more deeply in Monero when writing an article.