@KeyJockey: full sync from scratch using GUI took 5.5 hours on recent Mac with SSD.
Hmm okay thanks all for info.
Still chugging along here, I was away last couple days at family for holidays and just left it running meanwhile... just got home and checked it and status now is at about 930,000 of 1,200,000-ish
SO it's still going and "getting there" now about 80% but at this point looks like it's gonna be something like five DAYS for me versus 5 hours for people with newer machines using a faster CPU and/or SSD.
That's quite a difference but as long as it does eventually "get there" I am okay with just letting it run, I guess. Not much choice at this point LOL
The weirder thing still however is that it has STILL not written to disk again, since 'way back Dec 23rd at 10pm!!!
The file is ONLY at 3.94 Gb on disk and date/time stamp has not changed in almost three days.
IF my Mac crashes I'm gonna lose most of the last couple days progress here: is there any way to FORCE the GUI wallet to do a disk-write of the blockchain download in progress OR does it just decide to do it however often that it feels like it?
This Mac does have 16 Gigs of RAM -- above the Apple spec to support only 8 -- 'cuz I updated it a while back after reading that it actually does work okay with dual 8-gig sticks, not only the older 4gig that it was designed for. So I'm assuming all the recent blockchain download in last couple days is just "in memory" so far and ready to get written to disk if/when it's all done? Enough RAM I guess for 10Gb "pending" but, still... yikes. LOL
Anyway, not sure about the HD speed but it's not SSD and, as I said, oddly formatted and partitioned 1 Tb spinning platter. So maybe that has something to do with why my download is soooooooo sllllloooowwwwww here....