I'd agree its mad that they are trying to sell it if they haven't done anything that has improved on the original work.
Personally think people should only sell it on if they have made an improvement (I spotted 1 being sold for 0.07 which included a required file which was omitted from the first release. Still seems mad, but amusing how quickly people dropped their selling price)
Also just for reference the download from doesn't actually work and for some reason he/she has renamed it where as everyone else has stuck with the original name - which makes me dubious as to its legitimacy -I had assumed as soon as the real one was released there would be others out there that suddenly sprung up claiming to be free but actually containing viruses.
As it appears the download doesn't actually work from there I cant actually scan to verify or not.
So folks do be cautious today is a perfect time for a nasty internet bad guy to try and infect XPM miners and steal your lovely coins!
Huh? link worked fine for me, it's: