Stolen from xrpchat for education purposes
Presentation from companies below
Both Dimension Data and Everis are owned by NTT Data. Below are some basic facts about all three companies.
NTT Data
$14.6 billion in annual revenue
120,000 employees
HQ in Tokoyo
Dimension Data
$7.5 billion in annual revenue
30,000 employees
HQ in Johannesburg
$1 billion in annual revenue
19,000 employees
Offices in 16 countries
The LinkedIn profiles of all three presenters can be accessed via below. webinar was very informative. The presenters made an important point that Brad Garlinghouse, CEO of Ripple, also likes to make. For the financial services sector, there are very few production ready blockchains. Also, based on the presentation, I concluded the other production ready blockchains for the financial services sector compliment, rather than compete with, Ripple.
Below is the current state of the RTGS systems.
Below is what NTT Data and their subsidiaries think the landscape will look like. XRP is key to "settle cross-currency transactions in real-time". Notice they do not expect critical mass adoption until 2020-2025.
With the ILP, they also expect additional use cases of Ripple and XRP to develop.
The below slide shows how banks settlement systems can be linked with ILP.
Also, the list of those who attended can be accessed (if the attendee chose to make their profile public). Below are some of the companies who had representatives attend the webinar.
American Express
BNY Mellon
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Northern Trust
RBC Royal Bank
Red Hat
Shell International
Standard Bank
SunTrust Bank
TD Bank
There are no guarantees with any of this, but as JoelKatz has said, making a bet on Ripple and XRP is a smart bet.
Lastly, I do not understand why people criticize Ripple for XRP not being used as much everyone would like. Or why they were irate when they found out Ripple was charging for their software. Which would be better to have? A free blockchain technology that has been adopted by 0 banks but requires the use of their useless native currency/token. Or a blockchain technology that has been adopted by 100 banks and counting (according to the presentation) in which they must pay for, and whose native currency/token has the potential to revolutionize an entire industry.