The fierce fighting between the XRP gamble and Ripple investor continues.
The one or other XRP'ler bleeding heavy lying in some cold war trench wishing he never sight up to this battle.
For every winner there must be a loser, just a simple life lesson.
The good thing only 90 Billion XRP to come and the war be won. (added to supply is not same as sold, true sold numbers we know in some weeks)
As the year comes to another end, some numbers:
December 30, 2018 XRP supply was 40794121066, today 43319477613 a plus of 2,525,356,547 for 2019 or 2.52% of total supply.
Averaging about 7 million per day 2525356547 / 365 = 6,918,785
In past years the most notable is the manipulation at start of 2018 as price was high, supply slowed.
Once scaling is sorted and XRP cant be bought to its knees with large amount of data the battle will intensify again, maybe.
2020 will be the year most companies will have the own token, just like they have a website now.