What trends and uncertainties are shaping the future of financial services?
Transformations to be addressed:
- Digitization and new business models.
- Regulatory requirements and new client needs.
- Data privacy and systemic connectedness.
-John Cryan, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Deutsche Bank, Germany.
-James P. Gorman, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Morgan Stanley, USA.
-Christine Lagarde, Managing Director, Monetary Fund (IMF), Washington DC.
-Dan Schulman, Chief Executive Officer, PayPal, USA.
-Tom de Swaan, Chairman of the Board and Group Chief Executive Officer ad Interim, Zurich Insurance Group, Switzerland.
Moderated by Gillian R. Tett, Managing Editor, US, Financial Times, USA.
I think peeps who havent saw this should def check it out, with some of the biggest players around , discussing crypto in a positive way at the world trade conf (that would have been unheard of a few yr ago). it shows the direction the world of finance is heading....crypto will be the underlying tech securing everyones data...
BTC is not suitable for the job...they needed sumthing like ETH. ETH is a technology that wil secure everyones future security as we move into a new world of IOT and a cashless society.
Finally if u look at the date of the video and then look at when ETH began to take off
“We view blockchain as a competitive advantage that allows us to provide differentiated products, serve the on-demand expectations of our existing clients, and grow our customer base. For example, using the Ripple solution, we are working on a new commercial payment service for retail customers that will allow them to send money from China to the U.S. and other countries in real-time.”
— Andrew Fang, General Manager & Head of Innovation and Research at Shanghai Huarui Bank
XRP is getting ready to go over $1billion cap soon
i highly reccomend watching this video again
i watched the davos 2016...i saw paypal , imf and all the others talk positive about how to adapt to crypto ( now both + more are with XRP, Ripple)
i knew they were coming.i knew they were into DL..but i didnt know which angle....i think they didnt know either lol
i think they tried with eth, it worked for many use cases but not all...
step in xrp ripple....ready with all the tech and fixes after feedback from the big guys....
the big guys agree...xrp ripple and eth will both serve a purpose, one as a smart contract tool the other as a financial datawarehouse.
ETH for IOT, XRP for cashless society ( as japan video i posted above clearly explains)
i saw XRP remittance video and was seriously impressed...i knew it, it had to be the DL tech they were looking for since r3 kinda feel apart....then as the weeks/months passed...it was real..it is real
i did my research for yrs.( and still do )..i stuck and stick to the plan. ..well tried to as much as i could...not easy..but im now coming to realise like many others we were right.
tip...always research and make a plan...then try your best to stick to the plan
This is just the begining of the crypto takeover of the world....start researching and planning ahead guys