Instructions for Sending StabilityShares to Bittrex Exchange and Swapping Them1. Login or signup for an account at
https://bittrex.com2. Select the 'wallets' button on the top menu.
3. Type XSS in the search bar and find your XSS address.
4. If you don't have an XSS bittrex address, press the blue + button and generate a new XSS address.
5. Using your existing XSS wallet, send your XSS coins to this address.
6. Leave your XSS coins in your Bittrex wallet, you have until the 19th May 2014 at to do this.
7. Check the countdown at for the final end time on the transfer.
• After the transfer period has ended, Bittrex will finalize the total XSS coins and we will transfer that amount of XSI coins to them.
• Bittrex will then swap your XSS coins to XSI
• We will then release the XSI wallet and source code for mining pools and exchanges.
• Mining will continue for 2 weeks until we reach 1/2 total coins (7.5 million coins)
• Once we reach 7.5 million coins, PoS will kick in the only way to get StabilityShares is from interest in your wallet, or to buy them
I don't understand the point. Why would you need to switch to a whole new coin instead of just using xss? As far as I can tell, there is NO advantage to switching coins over to xsi whatsoever, and many people will miss the switch at bittrexx, making this even more pointless.
Tldr: switching from xss to xss is pointless when pos could simply have turned on in xss.
I understand your concern, but all you need to do is send your coins to Bittrex prior to 6pm Central Standard Time on Monday and they will switch them over for you. The wallets will then be made available immediately afterwards.
That takes less than 5 minutes. We have posted repeatedly in this thread, on other forums, and Twitter. 7 days notice is a considerable amount of time.
There is no way to simply "turn PoS on" Far, far more complicated than that. Our developer is among the most talented in the crypto world and this took a lot of time and effort for him to produce this solution.
If you do not the support the vision of the coin, then it would probably be advisable to sell your coins prior to Monday for a large profit. There is literally no way to please everyone, and this was the best way to make the switch in our estimation.
The vast majority of the community is very supportive and understands we took a coin that had virtually no value and turned it into a success in just 4 weeks.