actually after the wraith release, it jumped up.
when btc dropped, xvg has as well.
but i watch xvg all the time.
Wow, downright lies and selective memory right here. Verge community is starting to resemble a religious cult more and more. You have your parallel "truth" that differs a lot from the reality. Yes, it jumped up to 1500 sats... after dropping like a rock from 1700 sats, when wraith wasn't released on time. Everyone can just pull the graph and see for themselves.
Wraith was supposed to be the big thing that takes Verge rocket to the moon. Guess what, before Wraight release, on 31th of Dec the price touched 1785 sats and now it's 1037 sats. Volume has dwarfed what, maybe 10 times? What is supposed to be that magical bump that will take Verge to 1 usd now? All the cards are on table.
People keep saying "Verge will rise inevitably because it's a good coin". It is a good coin and already did rise, it has 2 billion USD market cap, which is huge. People keep asking "When moon?". Well, it's already there. It came from 1 sats to 1785 sats, if that's not the moon then I dont know what is....