Why when I standing in opposite direction and criticism position - cypher and S3052 ask me for refund? Are you kidz?
Are you abusing me for drawing 50% Fibbonaci retracement and shown that on public? It's a everybody known resistance levels.
What the fuck? Someone please judge this.
It is not really about the fact that you are using fib numbers and common indicators.
It is because you get many special analyses per week and a 10+ page newsletter every week and then start a thread abiut the same thing: bitcoin technical analysis.
even if you do not copy anything directly from my service, reading it will at least impact you and this is not honest practice.
i know many financial advisers and newsletters who do not permit this, nor do I.
Why don't you accept that I return your bitcoins and then you do not have any financial loss.
And then you can carry on with your analyses in an unbiased fashion.
It's not that difficult to take unilateral action, no? Or maybe next time you should put the following notice on all the newsletters and correspondences " Strictly subscribers only. The service provider reserves the right to terminate all subscription services, providing that any remaining balance is refunded to the bitcoin address used for subscription. No service would be provided to a competitor."
You can not make people that are subscribed to a service to not be able to make a thread with their own opinions... that just isnt the way the bitcoin community should work. TA is full of opinions, from the same chart you can have infinite opinions. So, as long as someone literally make a copypaste of one of s3052's emails then there is no copyright or whatever bullshit involved.
Did lucif made public one of the newsletters that s3052 sends?
Do you have a direct link to download the pdf?
No, so what the fuck is the problem with him stating his opinions in the forums???
After all, s3052 says price is going up and lucif says price is going down.... just like every TA community does, there is people saying up and other say down. If you cant make your own opinions and just follow the herd... then welcome to the market mentality.
If you have your opinion and hate anyone that doesnt have the same opinion, well you have a big problem then.