Some more speculation
First, lets assume that the funds do reside in a low-balance wallet address per my previous post. We really don't know how many members here on BCT are participating in this campaign, nor do we know the "top-up" amount that Yobit puts into their payout address, and we also don't know the frequency/time of day that funds are deposited into the payout address.
It is theoretically possible that Yobit DOES actually add funds to the payout address on a daily basis, and that those funds are depleted in a short amount of time by users requesting payouts, leaving little to no funds available for the rest of the users trying to request a payout. This could be caused by, as skyline247 suggested, a miscalculation on Yobit's part as to how much needs to be deposited into the payout address each day.
The only real way to "test" this theory, would be to literally request a payout from "the button" no less than once an hour for a period of at least 24-48 hours straight. Of course, a wrench can be thrown at this test by randomizing the "top-up" time of day, which Yobit may be doing if they know the available funds each day are not sufficient to cover all users in any given day.
The above example would give off the impression that payouts are "broken" for certain users until they happen to (by random luck) hit the button when there are sufficient funds available at that precise moment.
A lot of assumptions, I know, and I certainly don't claim to be correct with any of them. But, until we get some official word from Yobit directly, assumptions are all we have to go with.
Exactly. Like I said, a lot of variables to consider. Definitely not a job I would want. So I will give Yobit the benefit of the doubt for now. I do request some type of documentation or explanation how the payout system operates. This should have been disclosed long before now, and I don't see any harm in divulging at least the basics of the payout system. I intend to research this information even further, and see if other Sig campaign's include this type of documentation in their sign-up process, or terms of use. It would be beneficial to know, especially due to the issues that have come to light as of recently.