I lost in the last hours way more LTC than I should have lost based on my percentage of the bankroll (around 2.5 times as much). I'm at -61% ROI, but the bankroll didn't decrease that much. How is that possible?
the same thing is with me and I'm just thinking about it. I'm starting to be suspicious about the regularity.
the only logical explanation is that the winner reinvested all of his win amounts. So, we have almost the same, only other investors are owners.
When I brought up the subject I got ignored or called a frustrated investor...smallest loss in crypto for me by far so im fine.
Well how is this possible?
Well think about it this way. Lets say the player has luck and manages to bet flat 49.5% bets with 40 LTC 10,000 times.
Now he should be winninig 4950 times and losing 5050. Now let him have some luck and win nothing and win and loss is equal.
The bankroll now shouldnt have lost anything. But:
"Technically we are moving 0.5% of the wagered amount from the bankroll to the commission fund as bets happen,..."40LTC and that 10,000 times... that hurts^^
Now imagine that the bankroll also lost.
Then imagine the guy losing it again with 1000 of bets on the way back up to the previous site profit.
Well say hello to commission taken on the way up again from the bankroll.
It is sick and probably the only downside to this method of taking commission.
On any wager no matter how many that is. He wouldnt even have to win a lot for investments to get slaughtered if placed he 10,000 of bets.
To be fair ...yes the rakeback system needs feeding.
Dear Ethan,
if the above is true and thats what really happened, it would be wise to find a way that this can't be abused.
It would be a possibility for an inside job. I'm
NOT accusing you of doing so. Just showing what could be possible.
You guys were into the bankroll anyway. And this is the advantage if you were trying to take on the other investments.
If you started to play just like that....well you'd take the rakeback and any spare commissions.
People have to blind trust a lot. Anything you have to blind trust less is good for yolodice.
There has to be some other way in the future for players, investors and you as an owner.
I didn't really think about the new commission system.
Because if I had thought twice about what it means I wouldnt have done so.
My personal interest is to be investing in YOLOdice again if something may change that works out for everyone.
If someone comes up with "ONLY INVEST WHAT YOU CAN AFFORD TO LOSE" ...you know what you may do with yourself.
Im just pointing out something and if it is not true just try to falsify my post in a constructive and for everyone understandable way.