Anyone that supports bit-fascism/authoritarianism, meaning Bitcoin as the only dominant, official currency, can't be trusted as far as you can throw them. Centralization of power created in that manner is no different than the system we already have now. What happens if Bitcoin is the only currency and the govt takes it over? They can appoint Ben Bernanke to lead it, force new, fork updates to inflate the number to Dogecoin levels, redirect transaction fees to be sent straight to the IRS wallet, etc.
Bitcoin as the only currency has the potential to be a more Orwellian nightmare than the economic system we have now. There has to be lots of competitors to have a free market, to prevent government from monopolizing it.
Beware of the current Bitcoin devs/Satoshi wannabes. Their outward hostility to any coin besides Bitcoin truly shows they are either completely corrupt, or oblivious to the point I make in the paragraph above. They cannot be trusted for this reason.
This describes them perfectly. Because how they are acting is why you actually hear people talking about staying away from bitcoin alittle. They truly represent a lot of them, and this would indicate that they will affect the price overall. Because it is actually too centralized in a way, and as usual when a too few people have too much power history repeats itself.
The reason bitcoin made it is the reason it may fail, if we don't expose these tyrants for who they are.