Things has really changed unlike before when a graduate is coming out from the university their are job opportunities around the corners, people don't even stress themselves to acquire skills as an alternative just in case they don't get a job. Getting a job as a graduate some years back was a thing never to argue about or think about. In this recent time things have really changed, expecting so much from the government as a graduate can lead people into serious problems. The life we live now is so unpredictable, no one can be sure of practicing their desired career from what they have learnt in school.
I think if people really want to be happy in life, expecially undergraduates and young graduate they should learn not to give all expectations of having living job from the government. If people create the mindset of being creative and productive in this era they will live a more happy life than putting all expectations of getting a dream job from the government. A productive mindset is what young people needs to make life easy and worth living.
Mostly, it is somehow hard to become a graduate these days in most countries based on their economic standards. Like in my country, the economy is something that is not friendly at all, but the good news is that we are still surviving, but what I don't really understand is the fact that someone will go to school and graduate, but there is no good job for the person and still some of the government are not doing anything good to help.
The acceptance of one getting a skill is a good one, and it is good for everyone to acquire skills, because it can help in some situations, like, for instance, after graduating from school and having no job, with the skill one has learnt, the person can make good use of it and make.. Up money from there. However, one needs money to carry out his/her skills, but trust me, when that time comes, the person will have the money to make good use of the skills.
As we are today. It is also not a good idea to fully depend on the government alone. One should also try as much as he/she can to make positive use of every given opportunities that they come across. It can lead one to frustration if one depends on the government. In as much as life is concerned, we can't predict it just like the way we can not also predict the price of Bitcoin, but with the help of our ideas and hard work (knowledge), we can try to make something good from what we do in a daily, although it is not guaranteed, but it is better than waiting for the governments alone.
Everyone can be happy if they plan all of their activities accordingly, but how is that possible? It is not. Some days we have to encounter something that we don't expect and some days we feel happy when we have achieved our goals.
To be honest, I think this is an issue to most graduates, as you just finished college for years, of course you are not yet experienced as you studied for a specific course like for example engineering. Then most of the country would prefer to hire employees that have 1-2 years experience, which results to graduates to have problem in finding a job. Lead them to work on different kinds of work, just to gather experience even it's not related to their degree.
That's true that you can take advantage of that knowledge and use it for money sources, but in my opinion, it would only applicable to some courses like accounting and business where you can start on your own, unlike some of the profession one such as engineering and etc. (cause I'm an engineer). It's actually possible to build on your own, but the fact that you need to have funds and capital to start your own company or agency would be hard.
I'm not even waiting for the government to take action on this one since in my country, they are just corrupted people who take advantage of their own power. Now were in the month of election, I could see a lot of vote buying once again plus the people who's manipulated by those toxic people running for government role. Well, it's literally you that could change your life, you will have to be strong with the surroundings of these kind of people.
As we all know, one must have experience of working as either an engineer, doctor or a pharmacist, because without working experience there will be no job. As a good person who wants to get a job quickly in any area where he/she thinks, the person must have experience mostly in some field work. Most of us learn from objectives and not theory or even do practicals to practice at home or during free time, so the best thing at that time to do is just to keep learning and doing your own research and put it to work.
Although it is kinda hard to do both, like learning at college and also time to rest, they usually learn practicals, mostly for those who have some problems to take care of.
Waiting for the government to help in our cases is a very bad one, because before the government can even remember us, it might be time we are no longer at the age of working anymore, so helping ourselves by making good use of some opportunities is a good one. That is why it is a good habit to always save some funds, so that when there are no funds that we can use when we try to build our own company, we can also go and collect the money that we have saved.
However, to achieve a company, we need discipline and plans. Why must we have plans and discipline to achieve what we want, like starting early to plan our own things so that before we have gone so far and are ready to carry out our plans, there will be enough money that can handle the project?
I have done on-job training back at my college days, but I have observed that there's some students graduated without taking them, so when they started to apply for jobs, they really having a hard time to find jobs since they would be needing experiences, I'm trying to point is, if a student can do OJT, why graduates are not allowed right? Since they are more knowledgeable they just need some OJT. I mean I get it that it would be time consuming to teach them than doing the work already. I don't know if this also applies to some countries.
For having a company, what I am trying to say is that, if you would want to build one, since it's hard to find a stable jobs, you really need money so you really need to start working first. I am actually planning to build my own, but you really need to have funds like millions by just simply having a lawyer, workplace, employees and etc. That's actually my plan, but my salary is not that enough yet so I'm trying to build my funds in investing cause if I don't find alternative options for money sources, it would take me decades to achieved my dream.
Okay, I get your points, but you know in life we, as human beings, must start from somewhere. If we don't start now, it might be too late when the future comes. What I am trying to say is that, no matter how little your salary can be, I know that you have expenses, like everyone will have little or large expenses to make during the month or week, but the interesting thing is that, we must try as possible as we can to reduce our expenses so that we can reach our targets with the little money that we have save up to build our own company or assets.
I can see that you have very good plans when you have invigorated your own company, but now that you don't have sufficient balance to run your own company, why not try to mingle with those who have money and also try to build the same company as yours? (I have seen cases like that, and it's going well) Well, it might be very hard to see such a person.
Let me bring out my personal life here. I would like to have my own company in the future, so, I am starting from now to plan ahead. Let me say, in the next 7 years to come, but now I am beginning to save funds from now till then, so that when that time is near reach, I will have money to do it the way I planned, but if I do not have enough money to build the company to my own standard, then I will try to adjust a little.
That was why I said earlier, that as a human beings we are, we must start from somewhere so that we can achieve what we want. It is good to start planning early so that when the appropriate time comes, we can get what we have planned for. Although it is very hard to achieve what we want, trust me. With hard work and determination, we can achieve a lot.