It has been more than 40 days now I am under lockdown and I have not gambled yet. I did not feel like gambling in this period of uncertainty. No clue as to when things might get normal or I will have my job, too many things in my mind at the moment. Therefore did not have the urge to gamble at all.
That's because your self and your family is more important than gambling and for me, that is a great move for you
Get back to normal?? It will take time for the "NEW NORMAL" to be adopt by the people and this includes gamblers too since casinos will make some guidelines too for sure so that no one will be affected by this shitty virus. With regards to your job, the new normal right now base on what I observe is work from home. Many employees who have skills that they can be used online are working already on their home and probably some of them already resigned. Just don't gamble if it doesn't give any benefits to you
This pandemic will really change so many lives.
Most of us will have a different outlook in life after this terrible crisis.
But if we look on positive things, let's admit it, we have more time with our family especially for those who are working everyday.
This will be remembered as once in a lifetime for most of us.
And because of this, I guess many small time gamblers have stopped their habit because they prioritized their family's needs.
And that I think, is one good effect also for those who want to stop this habit.