I will not advise anyone to avoid Telegram airdrops, but I will rather say they should limit their expectations from them. I have participated in different Telegram airdrops, and to be honest, those airdrops I did paid me. However, the only thing is that some of the amounts were not up to my expectations. I did not blame them for it; it may be due to the work I did because I still see more people who make more money than me in those airdrops that paid little.
One thing I want some set of people to understand is that not all airdrops will pay you the same amount as Notcoin has paid. If someone did not make a good amount in the recent Telegram airdrop, it may be possible for them to make reasonable amounts later. So, I don't agree with the idea of advising people to avoid Telegram airdrops. They may follow your advice now, and later, they may miss a project that could pay them well in the future.