i think this could happen. zec has been cloned many times so it doesn't have that much of impact to the community any more now that we've learned about the money of the founders. besides there are already good ones like SDC.
ZCL is going to fork and create Zencash and develop in a new direction while keeping ZCL as a ZEC clone that is for the community rather than a company of paid "professionals" who can hardly develop faster than the ZCL team. Zencash will distinguish its self with its own new features.
KMD is another ZEC competitor but it is very heavily ICO. There ae other reasons I am not all for it.
I never looked into SDC yet.
XZC is one of few coins with Zerocoin which remints the coin and simply ends the digital trail. Either XZC or ZEN will overtake ZEC after its dumped away. I wonder how many times the founders whaled out in ZEC can make a sub 30 USD price tag spike to 40 in less than a minute on the markets.
In the meantime, ZEC has been the greatest thing for miners. I'm counting on the rest of you to keep pumping this coin.