Hi pavan@hosur
There are lots of points you have raised and I will try to answer them one by one
1) On ground marketing in banglore.
- We really want to do it and I really appreciate your efforts on the same. The only thing that is holding us back from it is our current focus. We are startup and we do not have lot of resources. Our current focus is to mature our product, get as much feedback as possible, learn how our users use this product and get at lest few users who loves this product. At this moment in terms of marketing we can afford is gorilla digital marketing and get word of mouth from customers like you.
It does not mean your suggestion is not in our road map, the only issue is we do not have enough resources at the moment. But we will surely brain storm how we can involve customers like you in on ground marketing. Your suggestions gave us food for thought and we will surely work on it.
2) Focus market for Benson and Coinsecure
- Well, they are again startup and as a startup owner you wear 56 different hats in a day, I can assure you that a CTO who is taking care of product tech and execution on early startup days wishes he may get 30 hour a day. There is so much to do and we have to make sure we plan and use our existing resources most efficiently.
Also Coinsecure is an exchange and on ground campus marketing will not help them a lot. Think like how many ads you will see of BSE or Nifty in colleges ? They are doing a lot of marketing and awareness campaign but the audience and market segment is different.
That audience is our target audience and let me assure you we do have plan to tap that area via marketing.
3) Law and regulation regarding bitcoin marketing
- There is absolutely no issue in doing that. Bitcoin is as legal as gold, if you smuggle gold you are wrong, if you use it legally you are not wrong
4) zebpay being used as payment settlement wallet in local markets
- You can not imagine, how overwhelming feeling is it to read such comments. Its absolutely better than Redbulls and coffee we are consuming each day
I am sure because of users like you we will be able to achieve what we started, the global pytm using global currency. Bitcoins for everyone, for everyday.
Thanks a lot for your encouraging comments Pavan, it really means a lot to us. I am sure the day we launch zebguru, we will have you as one