In the Amount column you can see exactly how many of each coin I mined for that particular block. You can also see the mBTC payout value of those said coins.
If you look at the Wallet payout information you will see that in total it is expected to payout 0.00000549 BTC. This matches the value of the sum of all the coins in BTC value in the following spreadsheet Cell D17. Then looking on I took the current BID value for Auroracoin which is traded on Bittrex and Topaz which is traded on Novaexchange. Column F shows the current BID price of the coins on the respective exchanges. Column G is the proceeds of that exchange. In both cases the exchange fees for trading are less than 1%. The Exchange proceeds in Column G is showing how much BTC each set of coins should produce. Column H is the percentage of value the zpool is giving compared to what is generated on the Exchange. As you can see in every case the value is 85% of the value that Zpool is paying. This is the way that I've calculated it every time and you can too.
At this point it appears that perhaps Crackfoo has adjusted something because in my previous example it was 80% in almost every case. So that is where all the numbers came from and how I was deriving the value of the coins compared to what Zpool was paying. As of right now Zpool appears to be paying 85% of the current bid value of the coins. You can see the price per coin paid out in the E column vs the
Link to the spreadsheet to verify all formulas:
How can you tell which exchange the coins are traded on to get the prices etc?