I don't see anyone blaming Crackfoo for the problem, But I am blaming him for not taking the issue seriously.
I've seen absolutely no interest from him to either investigate it or fix it. I even offered to help but no response.
Users deserve an explanation. Are estimates incorrect or is someone skimming? The fact that the deficit is so consistent
around 20% is also suspicious of a systemic problem. It is likely not a coincidence it's an order of magnitude bigger than the
fee. Are we paying 20% fees due to a misplaced decimal point?
But that's the thing. He has stated he knows nothing about it as per the reply above me.... and asks for help in identifying the issue from someone whom understands the code.... He has made this statement many many times. Its pretty concise and clear.
How else would YOU handle it if it were you in his shoes? (why not help and take those steps then?)
Do you think a 20% surplus in wallets from a decimal point error would go unnoticed by him and thus point towards the perceived problem?
You are assuming things and jumping to conclusions based on non-static information and estimates...... all on a codebase that is new and relatively unused.
The only values you can hold him to are the "Balance" amount. not "total balance", not the graphs, not the estimates....
*edit* And by no means is this a personal attack on anyone.... I am just trying to clarify that what steps can be taken have; and people with the knowledge are needed to help trace down whats happening.... because crackfoo isn't at fault and has gone above and beyond what most others have IMHO.
Definitely no personal attacks. Your posts have always been professional.
I recognize the lack of expertise but that's not a reason to give up. What would I do? Well look at what I've done. I posted detailed information
on how to gather and analyze data to define the problem, and offered to analyze the data myself. I've also spent a lot of time looking thrrough
the code (as have others) even though it's all in languages I am unfamiliar with. And I contunue to offer my help in any way I can. Even though
I don't know the code I have a lot of professional experience in problem solving.
Please don't confuse my speculation with assumptions. I have speculated on what could be be possible given the very limited information
available. This was a provocative attempt to raise the level of concern. There were some asssuptions required to fill the gaps but I tried to
balance one assumtion with an opposing one.
For example in one instance i assume the estimate is correct and the coin is lost in the exchange. That is offset by the assuption that the
estimate is wrong and the trade price is correct. If I ever appear biased or am leaning in a specific direction I expect to be challenged to back
it up with data, if I haven't already done so.
I repeat that the first step in my opinion is to compare transcations and estimates to prove there is a 20% discrepency (or not) then determine
which is correct. The result of that will lead to the next step.
Several users have taken it upon themselves to look at the code to try to figure out what's going on and there has been an offer of a bounty
for a solution. Perhaps some professional help could be brought in. Although TPruvot may not have a personal interest in the exchange feature
he may be willing to spend some energy for a fee. But that wouldn't be necessary until the problem better defined.
There is a lot of user interest and it is all aimed and solving the problem, not pointing fingers. It's all about making zpool better.
I'm not asking for miracles, just a little leadership.