Decent project is a long play until it hits 1 billion marketcap. I hope this will happen in 2018.
A billion market cap it will have. The question is when? Hopefully sooner rather than later. Personally I want it to go to $8. (Not that I'm going to sell then.)
Why $8? Your lucky number? Just to remind you that $8 is less than $500 million, so there is room for much more...
Because I made a mistake with NEO. More of a distracted mistake, where as a follower of the coin I knew it was going to pump but not for another month, and I chose to sell it instead of another coin, because the other coin had an extra complicated step and so I went with the flow with the least resistance. And then I got distracted by my environment forgot to buy my Neo back, and it went 300x.
It the 3rd biggest mistake I made in Crypto. I learned so much about the mind, how little mental distraction can throw you off track completely. But truly is a horrible, life changing experience.
I'm grateful, I got 42x from it, while most of the people who invested in it probably sold at 1.5x. And the reason they sold was because they waited so freaking long for the coin. People were just dumping it. But I knew it was going to be special, and I held it for almost a year.
I used some of the money to buy Decent, and at the time the break even point I believe was actually more around $7, thought it's less based on Neo's current price.
Just like I thought Neo was going to be big, I think the same of Decent.
But that pain of selling your Neo and then seeing it go higher, and higher, and higher, and higher. I think I rather make out with a guy.
What truly gets me is choosing to sell the Neos because the process was easier than another coin that I didn't care about. Really thought me about pushing harder.
We've all made out crypto' mistakes, and in your case it seems you made a great profit so in reality it wasn't a mistake. But I understand where you're coming from. But may I ask why you think Decent will pump like NEO has? what makes it special?
Nothing is ever guaranteed, but for one, in a sense the coin hasn't really launched, things are in its early stages. DecentGo is really going to start in Q1 2018 with the App store. Then the streaming hardware, etc. We're still in a sort of beta, there's no need for the marketcap to be high right now, because things haven't really started. I should have forseen that.
But more importantly is the team. They are extremely active in terms of promotion and development. Non stop travel around the world promoting the coin. I believe they even held their own crypto event. They're just extremely active, compare that to those coins who make a good ICO presentation, deliver a half baked product, with minimal work after that. This team is legit, and that's probably the most important part for a coin to reach billion dollar marketcaps.
They also have a lot of money. An ambitious team with a lot of money.
Oh yeah, actively creating partnerships, such as with Naughty America.