num_miner is set to 0 when it is null.
num_miner is the desired count of miners. When the account has not voted in any desired count of miners (witnesses), it shows 0 (null).
Don't forget to vote!
vote_for_miner yourname jvper true true
I am a reliable VPS miner committed to DECENT since the beginning.
What is the whole jist behind this voting thing?
DECENT runs on a blockchain.
Every block has pieces of information about everything concerning DECENT.
This blockchain requires that different nodes validate the block.
There is a need for consensus, just like every blockchain.
DECENT consensus mechanism is based on DPoS (Delegated Proof of Stake).
A new block is created every 5 seconds, so there is a need for fast and reliable validators.
There is always a threat of malicious behavior, so please vote for me
jvper, because I am committed to this project since the beginning, as you can check in my profile history. All you need to do is run the cli_wallet and vote for the ones you think are reliable miners (sometimes also called witnesses, in the meaning that they "validate" all the transactions, "sign" those transactions, just like witnesses sign a document). If you need further clarification on this matter or how to vote, please ask!
vote_for_miner yourname jvper true true