I was born into a heavy christian catholic family.
I love my family very much.
But I consider myself agnostic.
There are pluses to both Atheism, and being religious.
A plus to Atheism allows you to not fall prey to wasting your time with rituals, so you can do more things in the day, and focus on the betterment of you and those around you.
A plus to Religion is that it allows people, educated and not, to have a system of beliefs, that allows them a pushing factor through tough life, and allows them to accomplish things.
It is perfectly okay to be religious, or have a system of beliefs that get you through the day.
It's also alright to not believe. To take science, facts and physics into account for the happenings of the day.
This thread is the exact reason why people hate atheists, and religious people alike.
We have atheists here, trying to say all religion is bad, and that the bible is a evil book, and flipping the bird to all religious, because they think science is superior, and they think that allows them to be the cocky douchebags that they are.
We also have people here, saying that atheists are completely wrong, that creationism is the wholly true way, that evolution does not exist, that they are far superior, and that allows them to talk here like they know everything, even though we have fucking solid proof of evolution and the Big Bang.
Besides the fact that being in a conversation with any of you lot drops your IQ by 80, and gives me a headache, who gives a flying shit?
Let people live their lives, let people own and be proud of their culture.
Is it okay when people use their culture to hold it over others, and commit crimes against humanities because they believe they are right?
No the fuck it isn't.
If we didn't have this stupid fuck AF_Newbie, , and moloch, spamming the forum with these repetitive anti-christian threads, saying they are superior, it's no better than the people like the Westboro Baptist Church, who take their interpretations, and their beliefs, and hold them over others, like they are gods, no pun intended.
Learn how to co-exist, god damn.
While I understand your point, I fully reject it...
Religion is a disease, it is a mental illness that needs to be cured
Religion makes people do crazy things because they are not thinking clearly...
Only a religious person flies a plane into a building, killing hundreds of people, while thinking they are doing God's work!!!