Religion does a worse job of explaining things than science.
If religion is the answer, _which_ religion is it? There's hundreds or even thousands of incompatible religions out there. To believe that your religion is the correct one and all the others are wrong is sheer arrogance. It's more likely that they are all wrong.
Much of science theory is a made up story, just like religion often seems. Science fact doesn't explain much of anything.
Technology runs on science. If it wasn't correct, we wouldn't have things like the internet, planes, refrigerators, or even a printing press to make new bibles. The last thing science is is "a made up story." The scientific method prevents this from happening.
Technology runs on engineering. Science might have some ideas, but most of the time the engineers have to correct the science ideas to make them work.
C'mon you cannot be that uneducated. Without science, there would be no engineering.
What do (ALL) engineers study first, before they study engineering? Physics, Chemistry, and Math!!!!
Trust me, I know a thing or two about engineering.
Without science, there would be no transistors, no computer chips, no Internet and no bitcoin forum.
Science made it all happen, not your God with his detailed instructions on who to fuck, who to enslave and who to kill.