Bitcoin will definitely have an effect on society. If people don't know about bitcoin, then bitcoin adoption will fail. Because people's knowledge of bitcoin must also be needed.
On the other hand, if the Society knows about bitcoin, it will definitely not fail.
Bitcoin has about 1% world-wide adoption, so 99/100 people in the world don't know what the fuck bitcoin is; however, personally, I will proclaim that bitcoin is already a success - even though it still has relatively low levels of adoption, and arguably even lower levels of awareness than the El Salvador population in which you are proclaiming that only 90% don't know what bitcoin is.. even though I question your rendition of supposed "awareness levels" of El Salvadoreans... as you are parroting such assertions from that article that you linked, unless we are just supposed to believe any kind of bullshit, merely because it is asserted within a linked article? Is your source credible Tallupooh? Maybe you should explain why you believe your source to be credible, and even elaborate on your own assertions regarding how even if the statistics were true how they support your conclusion that Bitcoin has failed in El Salvador.
To be honest, I actually only believed the articles I read. because I think the article makes a lot of sense about the failure of bitcoin adoption in El Salvador. Of course, I also read other articles to increase my knowledge. I'm sure people have different opinions and have their own beliefs.