Ok, still you have not replied to my question! I don't understand the assumption taxes=evil ...
It's quite simple. Who do you trust to spend the money in your pocket better, you or the government?
Governments are inefficient. The bigger they are the more inefficient they are. I'll list three quick examples from the top of my head. The DMV. Do you think the DMV could be run more efficiently by government or private companies? I'm not saying private companies should do it, I'm asking about efficiency.
How about FEMA... For Hurricane Katrina FEMA eventually decided to melt thousands of pounds of ice
stored at a cost of $12.5 million after trucking it thousands of miles south then back north finding that much wasn't needed.
What about the VA? I'm not a veteran but I've heard terrible things about the service there. Wouldn't more be expected of a First World country that holds the world's reserve currency and a multi-trillion dollar economy?
Another example is the government
paying $16 per muffin for conferences.
Last, Detroit has some of the highest property taxes in the country. How are they doing? I could go on and on.
This is what happens when costs are not tied to actual market values and the natural regulators of free market forces. If people are free to pay only for what they deem valuable then those items will be up to scratch or not exist at all.
You're right and I cannot agree with you more, I'm not from the US but I'm pretty sure you're right and I can tell you that in my country it is exactly the same, like probably everywhere else..BUT..the fact that our taxes are often misused and sometimes our money is literally thrown away by idiots doesn't make taxes evil..
It's like if you live, like I do, in a condominium with your lovely neighbors, and you pay a fee every month for the elevator, cleaning of the common parts, electricity, repairing of broken stuff, etc. Now you have an administrator who collects the money and manages it . Now you can often have an idiot as administrator who maybe buys stupid things for the condo or maybe steals some money. The good thing in a condo is that, being a small environment, you can easily detect his misbehavior and kick him out. But you wouldn't say "I hope I had bitcoins so I can avoid paying my monthly fee, because you will be against all your neighbors.
A State is much bigger and the problem is that you cannot easily kick our politicians out but this doesn't mean that collecting taxes for the common good is bad. Have a look at the scandinavian countries where their taxes are sooooo huge, they don't usually complain because their money is used very efficiently and they receive in return great services..
So, even in a perfect world where BTC is the only currency, don't you think there should be a way to let everyone pay their taxes? Then HOW, that's the tricky part! Directly - you pay depending on what you earn - this could be done by your employer OR indirectly -you pay when you consume - like VAT? Dunno...