I assume the miner comes with the Corsair Power Supply since you are showing the miner with PSU installed?
What is the % of HW error rate at 328MHz?
How overclockable is your miner? Is 328MHz the maximum stable speed? (Original Avalon miners are stable up to 350-360MHz)
Are you using TP-LINK TL-WR703N to provide wired and wireless network interface?
Is your miner using running Avalon cgminer software? If so, which version?
what he said
(Replying in correct thread).
(I replied to realestone privately, but I figured I can do it here too).
- Yes, we include a Corsair TX850M PSU with each Redhash.
- % HW error rate: most machines are between 0.5 and 2.5%. A few are above that and we are in the process of identifying the few bad hash units.
- We chose 328 MHz merely because it leads to a nice round 105 Ghash/sec number, while leaving some margin. Our redhash units should in theory be just as overclockable as the original Avalon (I personally tried 350 MHz on a few machines), but obviously TAV
cannot make this guarantee. Besides, our 850W PSU was measured to be at 97-98% load when running at 350MHz. Higher o/c would definitely require a change of PSU.
- Yes we are using WR703Ns, however we do not have an wifi antenna connector.
- The WR703N runs the exact same firmware image as original Avalons.