I'll instrument the code I'm running to check. One thing that might help is just increasing the number of front ends you're running, even on the same systems.
I haven't hacked on pushpool for a while, but when I last did it had a lot of blocking IO.... so a few slow sockets could really bog down its response time. I actually have no clue what you're running but if has a similar design you might get better throughput just by running more processes. (You could load balance with some OS level rounding-robbining of the sockets or just by giving users more ports to connect to)
I'll look into that - I hope to have a Poolserverj test instance up this week, so it may fix the problems all together anyway.
Just joined your pool, connected to the pacific server and was getting 15% rejects, changed to the us server and haven't had a reject yet. Something wrong with the pacific server?
Yeah, there's some routing issues with that. Use the US server for the time being, it's much more reliable. I need to find a new host in Australia or Asia somewhere but so far everywhere I've looked wants a ridiculous amount of money for a colocated server.
Will you add a feature to automatically convert the NMC balance to BTC?
You could make a daily job that sends the NMC of everyone with the option selected to an exchange, withdraws, and distribute the earned BTC in proportion to the namecoins taken.
Is there an exchange that has a permanent API that will allow me to deposit money and initiate sales? Bitparking doesn't seem to have an API at all.