Yes I think the first point of call should be deepbit because you hold your account with them and therefore should have a little bit of information as to how the transaction happened and the source of the Bitcoin address amongst others. I'm sorry about it though and wish you luck as you search for the lost coins.
Yeah probably....
You realized you're replying to a thread created in 2011?
People ... look at the date before posting!!!!!!!!!!!
Well , you should be jk
Look at the amount of spam the thread is getting right now, done by people who haven't bothered to read more than two lines, not to mention the date.
And they keep on a postin' re the OP oppose to the latest. vvv
Of course you can track them all the time, or hire someone to help you with finding the person that have done it.
I didn't look at well and made a post. I think it is the best that outdated topics will be locked so people still can read but not react anymore. I see that on more forums and it avoid unnecessary post.