I just head that the thief logged in from IP address:
"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:2.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0.1"
Please help!
I woke up this morning, logged into my deepbit account at 7:35AM PST on 5-14-2011 to see how things were going, and someone had transfered all my bitcoins to address:
15YaS8ux9u6YUrS6DmdTZa1NaLecNNNCKT and set it continue to send to that address as soon as my account received even 0.01 additional bitcoins.
My password was a combination of letters and numbers, and I assumed it was reasonably secure. (perhaps not)
The only people who knew my password, were myself, and a couple of other employees at MemoryDealers, and all of them say they did not change anything.
The following information comes up in that address in the block explorer:
Address 15YaS8ux9u6YUrS6DmdTZa1NaLecNNNCKT
Short link:
http://blockexplorer.com/a/2tZky3pBUiFirst seen?: Block 123886 (2011-05-14 12:43:27)
Received transactions: 3
Received BTC: 136.59
Sent transactions: 0
Sent BTC: 0
Hash160?: 31d94e8645d5e7f93ad8deeefe69a0a911bd9589
Public key?:
Unknown (not seen yet)
Note: While the last "balance" is the accurate number of bitcoins available to this address, it is likely not the balance available to this person. Every time a transaction is sent, some bitcoins are usually sent back to yourself at a new address (not included in the Bitcoin UI), which makes the balance of a single address misleading. See the wiki for more info on transactions.
Transaction? Block? Amount? Type? From/To? Balance?
766fbbe67c... Block 123886 (2011-05-14 12:43:27) 135.22 Received: Address
a63ccc1fa7... Block 123893 (2011-05-14 13:19:59) 0.56 Received: Address
fdef32a895... Block 123910 (2011-05-14 14:35:03) 0.81 Received: Address
Does anyone know how I can try to track down who stole my bitcoins and where they went?!!!!!
Any help/insight would be greatly appreciated!
Roger Ver
Memory Dealers.com, Inc.
3350 Scott Blvd.
Building #32
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Phone:+1 408 486 5650
Fax: +1 408 486 5653
[email protected] Aim: rogerkver
[email protected]For all yor networking needs visit: