Just a heads up that from the 40 nodes I can see right now;,,,,,,,,,, all have over 1MB of transactions stored (while most everyone else in this lot has 45kb). That's why your bitcoind latency is so high. Some of these nodes are essentially dead, but others aren't...
Upgrade your bitcoind version, you're probably picking up the horse staple battery transactions... or lower maxblocksize to something like 250000...
oh, btw, very impressive system there, the other five I looked at had latencies from 2s to 6s, yours is hanging out around 0.9s...
Where do you find all this information?
www.nogleg.com:9332/peer_txpool_sizesLook in the p2ool/web.py file and you'll find all the things you can query. ed: I pulled that earlier list off my other server that I use as a relay, it connects to 40 random nodes, w/o using --p2pool-node, so it tends to get a bunch of duds; p2pool nodes that haven't been updated in a couple of months.
zvs ,You seem to be really switched on , I was wondering what would cause the spike in latency in my graph.
I'm honestly not sure about those. My guess would be that it's a large transaction that's being forwarded to your p2pool to store, but I'm not sure.... think it also occurs occasionally when blocks are solved. The gradual increase is normal the longer it goes w/o a block being solved (all these transactions being stored)....
Now, my question... why does it report a much larger DOA rate in my log file
www.nogleg.com/log then it does on the website?
www.nogleg.com:9332/staticAlso, is there some significant drawback to submitting a share twice? I assume the second (or third or fourth) counts as a DOA, but ... wouldn't really be a DOA, since the first one would be the one that mattered?
Is that why there's like a 20% discrepency between the DOA in the log and the DOA on the website?
ED#10: good lord, ok, everything fixed. now, anyone know the answer to the question?