Someone has a small bit of hash pointed at ZVS's server with the name "Mindlesss.worker1". If I understand p2pool right, you'll never get paid for your work as your worker name has to be your payout address.
that's correct
it looks like I picked up someone else's share earlier (i'm at 0.0003 now)
maybe p2pool should come with some 'instructions' tab on the web interface? i guess a lot of people have added something like this themself, but maybe should just be included as part of standard server
First, it's at least necessary for shares found after a new block is found to be orphaned, in order to not reward people for doing useless work. A preference for shares pointing to newer blocks that overrides the "first share received is the one to build on" rule was added to the P2Pool protocol.
There is no way for the P2Pool protocol rules to know whether a share came before or after the block - they can only see that there is a share pointing to a newer block at the same height of the (to be orphaned) share.
So, all the nodes could potentially only orphan shares that come after the block change, but there's nothing that prevents someone from orphaning all the shares they can, which would give them a slight advantage. So, I decided that nodes should be "maximally aggressive" and orphan others' shares whenever they can. This is at least fair, but it has the disadvantage of increasing the pool's orphaned share rate.
Future changes that make the P2Pool protocol rules more aware of how the Bitcoin blockchain works could potentially improve this, but for now, this is the way it has to be.
OK, that makes sense... but wouldn't it be more fair to delay this punishment until the share after? Right now, probably 90% or more of the shares being penalized are being done so unjustly
ed; forgot to add, i'll send whatever that errant share makes (if anything) to 1J1zegkNSbwX4smvTdoHSanUfwvXFeuV23 (forrestv address)